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Tribal Enrollment

The Tribal Council of the Native Village of Unalakleet finds that it is the governing body of the Native Village of Unalakleet as designated by the Community pursuant to Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution of the Native Village of Unalakleet. It has the authority to make rules governing membership in the Community pursuant to Article II, Section 5 of the Constitution of the Native Village of Unalakleet



Enrollment Requirements

-You are at least 1/8 Alaska Native or American Indian

-Prove descendancy to a native individual on the tribe's base roll

-You are not enrolled in another tribe or village but enrollees under 18 can be dual membership

-Copy of birth certificate and social security card




Health Care, Scholarships, and other Services

Many services come with being an enrolled member of our tribe. Tribal members get free health care when they can provide enrollment verification to their healthcare privider(s) such as Anchorage, Nome, and other village clinics. Enrollment verification can be faxed to Nome's facility often so our members can be served.


Tribal members also need to provide enrollment verification when they apply for local scholarships such as Kawerak Inc. and Bering Straits Foundation. Proof of tribal enrollment can also help students receive outside scholarships as well such as the American Indian Education Indian Education Fund.




If you know of anyone who is not enrolled with the Native Village of Unalakleet, and meets the requirements for enrollment, please give them our contact information so we may assist them.


Please use the attached forms to apply for Tribal Enrollment into the Native Village of Unalakleet Tribe. You can email the forms to or fax them to 907-624-3621.

Please do not hesitate to contact the NVU Office for more information or if you have questions. Thank you.




Application for Enrollment and Family Tree

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