Food Bank
The Native Village of Unalakleet has started a new food bank program with the Foodbank of Alaska. Our new food bank building is also complete and located on the hillside near the assisted living facility. NVU will complete monthly orders to the Foodbank of Alaska and they will arrive via air freight for distribution to the community members who qualify for either program.
Here is some information for qualifying for the SNAP and TEFAP programs:
If you are already receiving SNAP, you will automatically qualify for a monthly food box as long as you remain in the SNAP program.
If you currently receive Medicaid, TANF, SSI or the reduced or free lunch program through the Unalakleet Schools, you will also qualify.
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)
This program requires an application to be completed once a year starting October 1st through September 30th. The TEFAP program does not receive any food boxes in the month of September.
You may download the application from our website to print and complete, however, you may not sign it electronically. We will need an ink signature from the applicant.
NVU still maintains a small food bank program that provides approximately 20 boxes of food per month. There is no paperwork for this program. This program may also help your household with an emergency food box if you are struggling with your finances during that month. Please contact Elizabeth at the number below.
Along with the Food Bank programs we are currently running, we have received a 2 year grant from the USDA. With this program, NVU will purchase food products from local Alaskan vendors for distribution to the community. We will work with herders, farmers, and ranchers according to their schedules, for the delivery of reindeer meat, chicken, pork, eggs, and fresh vegetables (seasonally). As the project continues there may be a few other items added, such as beef and barley cereal. NVU will have to keep a list of how many families are served each distribution and how many people in each family. We will report quarterly on the number of distributions made and the total number of people served.
If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Ivanoff at 907-625-1851 or via email at
Hours of Operations are 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Monday through Friday.